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Panel de Simulación de Controladores de la Serie PLATINUM ™


Panel de Simulación de Controladores de la Serie PLATINUM ™ | PT-Demo

Panel de Simulación de Controladores de la Serie PLATINUM ™

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  • Hasta 20 muestras por segundo, ADC de 24 bits
  • Procesador ARM de 32 bits, 120 MHz
  • Puertas de comunicación USB, Serial y Ethernet
  • Unidad de Calefacción / Refrigeración Termoeléctrico Peltier
  • Panel digital con botones y Entrada Principal
  • Alarma Luz indicadora de 6V
  • Entrada 4 a 20 mA con punto remoto y potenciómetro de ajuste
  • Opera con 12 Vdc, Amp 2- Voltajes No Peligrosas
  • Señales de control limitada
  • Precableado
  • Menú Intuitivo de Flujo "Smart"
  • Display de LED Dual Luminoso de 3 Colores (rojo, verde y ámbar)
  • Panel USB Montado y Conectividad Ethernet
  • Firmware Totalmente Configurable -No Puentes a ser ajustado
Instrumentos de medición y control de proceso - Ver Productos Relacionados


PLATINUM Series controllers offer unparalleled flexibility in temperature and process measurement and control. While extremely powerful and versatile, great care has gone into designing a product that is very easy to set-up and use. The PLATINUM Demo & Training unit provides a fully integrated temperature control system suitable as a platform to investigate the use of closed loop (PID) and simple on/ off temperature control in both heating and cooling applications.

The demo unit includes a CN8DPT-144-C24-EIP-DC controller, powered by 12 Vdc, 2A universal AC to DC adaptor. It has a thermoelectric heating/ cooling element capable of 5 to 50°C setpoint and a Type K thermocouple for temperature readings. The unit comes with panel mounted USB and ethernet connectivity, an alarm indicator, a 4 to 20 mA remote set-point potentiometer, a pushbutton digital input, and an aluminum plate allowing the user to feel the temperature response.

A powerful 32-bit, 120 Mhz ARM processor provides an full PID control process with auto-tuning and a fuzzy logic based adaptive control algorithm that automatically adjusts and optimizes the control loop parameters based on external environmental or control system deviations.

A comprehensive set of alarm functions may be used to trigger output signals and/or modify the display colors for above, below, in-band and out-of-band conditions. Physical outputs may be assigned to Alarm, PID, ON-OFF control or auxiliary output functions.

An advance multi-stage ramp and soak sequencer supports up to 99 profiles of 8 segment ramp/soak sequences. Profiles may be linked to provide extended sequences and auxiliary outputs may be triggered based on individual Ramp or Soak states to provide external control over blowers, mixers or other auxiliary control functions.

The CN8DPT features a large, 3-color (RED, GREEN, and AMBER) programmable LED display with the capability to change color and/or change the state of designated outputs when an alarm is triggered.

An embedded ethernet connection allows the unit to connect directly to an ethernet network and transmit data in standard TCP/ IP packets, or serve web pages over a LAN or the internet. The USB connection allows connecting the unit to the Windows based PLATINUM configurator software for configuration and monitoring as well as supporting USB based ‘thumb drives’ for directly transferring configuration data.

The PLATINUM Series family may be fully configured using an integrated 4 button keypad using a structured menu system, optimized to navigate to only those parameters applicable to the selected configuration. The PLATINUM configurator software may be connected thru the USB, serial or ethernet port to provide a Windows based PC application to provide a pointand- click configuration interface, performance charting and logging and the ability to load and save configuration files compatible to the PLATINUM USB file transfer protocol.

Display: 4-digit, 9-segment LED
Environmental Conditions: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), 90% RH non-condensing
Max Power Consumption: 24 W (universal AC to 12 Vdc power adaptor included)
Input: Type K thermocouple
Resolution: 0.1° temperature
Temperature Stability, Thermocouple @ 25°C (77°F): 0.05°C/°C (cold junction compensation)
A/D Conversion: 24-bit sigma delta
Reading Rate: 20 samples per second
Digital Filter: Programmable from 0.05 seconds (filter = 1) to 6.4 seconds (filter = 128)
Setpoint Adjustment: -9999 to +9999 counts
Warm-Up to Rated Accuracy: 30 mins
Remote Setpoint: Connected to front panel potentiometer (4 to 20 mA)
Digital Input: Connected to front panel pushbutton
SPDT Relay: Connected to front panel indicator
DC Pulse1: Connected to PWM controlled Peltier driver (power to heater/cooler)
DC Pulse2: Connected to heat/cool Peltier control circuit (polarity control)
Activation Voltage: Provides power to 4 to 20 mA input and Indicator Light
USB: Female micro-USB, host or device (VCD)
Ethernet: Standard RJ45, IEEE 802.3 10/100 Base-T auto-switching, TCP/iP, aRP
Serial: RS232/RS485, 1200 to 115k baud
Power: 12 Vdc @ 1.5 Amp (current limited)
Temperature Range: 5 to 50°C
Dimensions: 23 x 30 x 16.2 cm (9 x 11.8 x 6.3")
Weight: 2.05 kg (4.52 lb)
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